On Mar 14th five of us piled into our friends SUV and took a day trip to Nelson. Wandering around Baker St we stopped off at our favourite stores, Valhalla Pure Outfitters and Snowpack, and snagged a few meals. My biggest concern that day was trying to find some rope and lanyards to provide secondary protection for my sweet new wildlife lens. A that time there were 73 cases of COVID-19 in BC and we were all still working like normal.
Now, just three weeks later that trip seems like something from a different time. All five of us are either working from home or not working at all and just going to the grocery store creates a feeling of being unclean. So fully have I transitioned to this new way of thinking that even watching two characters stand near each other on tv has my brain yelling "You're too close!".
So in an effort to stay productive, I finally decided to bite the bullet on my 2017 New Year's Resolution and build my own website to showcase my photography. And just like ripping of a band-aid, usually the worst part is bringing yourself to get started. In only seven days, I've gone from a nagging idea in my head to something I can show friends, family and, for right now, whoever else stumbles across this little corner of the internet.
For any of you reading this, first of all, thank-you. You might be one of only twenty people in the world who get to read this post (so that automatically makes you special). But more importantly, this website is proof that it is possible to make something good out of a bad situation if you're willing to adjust your perspective. So at the risk of alienating the twenty of you reading this, I ask you to think about that one thing that was on your New Year's Resolution a few years in a row but you never got around to and take one little step towards making it a reality; it might be easier than you think.